Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hadits Muslim in Bahasa app for Android

This is a simple free application to present Hadits Muslim in Android device. The Hadits are translated in Bahasa Indonesia. More than 5300 hadits can be searched and read.

Aplikasi ini untuk menampilkan lebih dari 5300 Hadits Muslim secara gratis.Dengan pencarian hadits menurut kata-kunci sebagai fitur utamanya.

Teks hadits dapat disalin (copy) ke clipboard melalui menu. Kemudian dapat ditempelkan (paste) di FB, blog, email atau untuk keperluan lain.

Dapat diunduh di :
Google Play

atau :

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Hadith Bukhari in English app for Android

This is a simple free application to present Hadith Bukhari in Android device.
This application contain more than 6800 hadith collected by Bukhari.
The main features :
+ all hadith are searchable using application search tool.
+ user can copy the text of the hadith to clipboard. You might to paste it to anywhere, e.g. : FB, blog, text editor, etc.

This Application is available at :
Google Play


Thursday, October 04, 2012

Hadits Bukhari in Bahasa app for Android

This is a simple free application to present Hadits Bukhari in Android device. The Hadits Bukhari is translated in Bahasa Indonesia.

More than 6000 hadits from Imam Bukhari can be searched fast and easily.
You  may bookmark and add some notes at specified hadits.

Available at :
Google Play