First install WordPressMU from here.
+ Open the package file
+ I placed the files in /var/www/wpmu
+ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/wpmu
+ Create/edit /etc/apache2/site-available/wpmu
ServerName wpmu.localhost.localdomain
DocumentRoot /var/www/wpmu
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
+ sudo a2ensite wpmu
+ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
+ sudo vi /etc/hosts, add wpmu.localhost.localdomain on localhost localhost.localdomain wpmu.localhost.localdomain
+ Create MySQL user & database name it both : wpmu
+ open-up http://wpmu.localhost.localdomain
+ just fill-up the fields
+ OK. wpmu should be up and running
I try to create a new blog.
Somehow wpmu send activation/password via email but I don't remember I ever setting some SMTP or else in wpmu. No wonder the email never come.
I search this issue and I got this link .
You need to download this plugin.
After you extract the plugin to /var/www/wpmu/wp-content/plugins/, you need to activate it via plugins menu with admin user.
And set the SMTP server under Options menu.
Other plugin you may have interested as I need to search a shopping cart with multiple store support is WP e-Commerce.
Some issues with wordpress :
- the mail notification didn't report any error even when there is no mailer installed.
- cannot delete user before the user is active. I need to wait until 2 days when automatic removal removed the user that did not confirm the activation.
Wah, makasih utk tutorialnya. Tadi saya sempat bingung ngutak ngatik httpd.conf. Tp skrg udah bisa.
Keep hacking Ubuntu :D
Salam kenal,
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